发表于 2012-12-7 12:20:15
" N4 S" \# ^9 E8 v- Z' G4 O1 f- O/ |) V
' S" k6 D D( \6 p5 W低通滤镜
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0 V+ U0 q; Q$ |$ P s低通滤镜主要作用是消除摩尔纹,这是差拍原理的一种表现。 从数学上讲,两个频率接近的等幅正弦波叠加,合成信号的幅度将按照两个频率之差变化。 差拍原理广泛应用到广播电视和通信中,用来变频、调制等。 摩尔纹的消除最简单的方法就是使数字相机的解像力小于感光对象的空间频率,使其成为『灰阶』化即可。 [1]An anti-aliasing filter is a filter used before a signal sampler, to restrict the bandwidth of a signal to approximately satisfy the sampling theorem. Since the theorem states that unambiguous interpretation of the signal from its samples is possible when the power of frequencies above the Nyquist frequency is zero, a real anti-aliasing filter can generally not completely satisfy the theorem. A realizable anti-aliasing filter will typically permit some aliasing to occur; the amount of aliasing that does occur depends on how good the filter is and what the frequency content of the input signal is. Anti-aliasing filters are commonly used at the input of digital signal processing systems, for example in sound digitization systems; similar filters are used as reconstruction filters at the output of such systems, for example in music players. In the later case, the filter is to prevent aliasing in the conversion of samples back to a continuous signal, where again perfect stop-band rejection would be required to guarantee zero aliasing. The theoretical impossibility of realizing perfect filters is not much of an impediment in practice, though practical considerations do lead to system design choices such as oversampling to make it easier to realize "good enough" anti-aliasing filters.
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2 j5 o/ N' \4 q; r5 shttp://www.baidu.com/s?ie=utf-8& ... =4&inputT=81177( D" a8 u3 Y! W$ b
: `* o4 Q( F6 d6 E# k- y* I低通滤镜很重要? 尼康D800/D800E画质PK6 \% _ ?3 }8 A7 y6 J. Z+ u
- c& i7 b, C8 a 通过本次尼康D800和D800E样片的对比,相信大家也对低通滤镜对于画质的影响有了一个全新的认识。
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& ]1 k, h0 s* N4 D; M* kcmos、ccd前面的低通滤镜不是一层·,是多层,有一层叫做红外截止滤镜,截止了波长超过630~1000的红外光。& Y$ [( G$ z- o# a2 j- B7 r3 e }8 J
) c# Z# O; Q; L" \* n: z http://iask.sina.com.cn/b/14264454.html9 L9 @5 S6 w7 `
, |2 s) e. c/ ]3 s7 e. Y! P
; y; T3 |+ v8 [8 S4 S( s大量的数码相机的 CCD 前安装有低通滤波器,Canon EOS 30D 甚至安装了三组低通滤波器(因其 CMOS 开口率较大故需要更佳的滤除效果)。
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, G, v' V5 p4 ~滤光镜直接安装在 CCD 的前面,使其曝光条件满足空间频率,影像中就不会出现摩尔纹(镜片见图) |